
Metropol NOX and LUX 2017 edition Playing Cards

Created by Mike Lambert

Classic Metropol Playing Card design, fresh new colour palette, the 2017 edition Metropol NOX and LUX decks are here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Metropol 2017 Edition Shipping Soon!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 02:16:43 PM

Hello everyone!

My last update was at the beginning of the new year, and since then it's been very eventful.  I started off the new year with the flu which lasted for 7 days.  I was back to work for a couple days then ended up in a car accident on my way home, which took me off the road for another 5 days.  So far 2018 has not been off to a great start for me, so what next?  Well now it's time for some good news!

It's just about that time we've all been waiting for.  The Metropol 2017 edition decks have arrived in Canada and are on their way from the port in BC, to my office in Ontario.  The exact arrival date is a little fuzzy, but it could be as early as sometime next week.

It's time to lock down your address.

In order to get these decks out to everyone as soon as possible I'm going to start prepping all the shipping supplies, including the shipping labels.  I'm going to start printing shipping labels on Wednesday, Jan. 24 so you have until then to update your address on BackerKit if it has recently changed, or will possibly change within the next month.  If you have any questions, or concerns at all about shipping, please message me right away.

TL:DR - You have until Wednesday, January 24 to update your shipping address.

Again, thank you everyone for your support on this project and for hanging in with me.  We're in the home stretch now.

The next update will have pictures of the finished decks.  

Until next time



Happy New Year / Production Complete!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Jan 01, 2018 at 02:57:57 PM

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a great holiday season, however you choose to spend it :D

Production Update

Just before the holiday break I got an update from LPCC, saying that production of the Metropol 2017 edition decks was complete and that the decks would be delivered to the shipping port the following week!

The decks are now on their way by sea.  I've been told oversea shipping typicallytakes 4-5 weeks to the USA.  It should be a similar amount of time to ship to Canada since the landing ports aren't too far from each other from what I remember.  As soon as I have the shipping schedule from the forwarder I'll pass that info on to all of you and then it's time to start preparing for shipping.

BackerKit Surveys

There are still a couple people who have not yet filled out their BackerKit survey.  If you haven't filled out your survey, what're you waiting for? :D  If you're planning on moving in the near future, don't worry you can update your address at any time until I start sending out the decks.  If you have any trouble at all with BackerKit, or just want to confirm I've received your survey, please don't hesitate to send me a message.

That's it for now, hopefully I'll get the shipping schedule and you'll hear from me again very soon.  The next update is going to have pictures.

Until next time.


Production Update
over 6 years ago – Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 12:03:07 PM

Hi Everyone!

I've been holding off sending another update until I had a solid update from Legends Playing Cards, unfortunately that's not the case.  The last I heard from them was that the production factory was under a tight schedule, and it wasn't likely the cards would be finished before the end of November.  I've reached out to LPCC a few times over the last couple weeks for an update but have not heard anything from them yet.  I will continue to contact them until I get a completion date.

As soon as I have news from the factory, I will pass it on to all of you.  Until next time, thank you for your support and patience. :D



Production Update and BackerKit Status
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 11:42:52 PM

  • Quick Production Update
  • BackerKit Status

Hello everybody!  With October come and gone that means it's been a month since the campaign has ended.  I wanted to send out a quick update to let everyone know where things are at.

Production Update

I received an email from Legends Playing Card Company earlier this week.  The new decks are on track to be finished this month.  The production facility is a bit overloaded at the moment so that's pushing back the final production time by about a week past mid November.  Even so, that's still ahead of schedule so that's exciting!  Once I have the exact production end date, I'll receive a shipping time estimate, and I'll be sure to pass that on to all of you as well.

BackerKit Status

The BackerKit surveys are going well.  There's about 10% or so that haven't been filled out yet.  Again, if you haven't received your survey, please send me a message and I'll be happy to get you sorted out.

I'm going to start locking down BackerKit responses that have been completed this weekend.  What does this mean?  Once your response has been locked down it means you can't make any changes to the items you'd like to receive.  If for whatever reason you need to make a change after the survey has been locked, please send me a message and I will do my best to accommodate you. You will still be able to update your shipping address on your own at any time.

Locking down the responses helps me get a better idea of the quantities of shipping materials I will need to order.  As with my previous projects I plan on having all the packages ready and waiting for when the decks arrive, so that when they do, I can just slap them in the packages and get them out to you as soon as possible.

That's all for now.  Until next time!


BackerKit Surveys, Pre-Order Information, and Production Update!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 01:26:56 AM

  • BackerKit Surveys
  • Pre-Order Information
  • Production Update

Hey Everyone, sorry things have been quiet the last week or so, I've had a lot going on, and although things have been quiet, that certainly doesn't mean things haven't been moving forward.  So, let's get to the update. :D

BackerKit Surveys

BackerKit surveys were sent out tonight at 7:50pm EST.  You should get it right away, but there were a lot of them so it may take a bit of time for it to show up in your inbox.  If after a day or so you haven't received it, please let me know and I can look into it for you.  Also, don't forget to check your spam folder.  It shouldn't go there, but just in case.

So "What is BackerKit?" you may be asking.  BackerKit is a system that helps me manage pledges, item counts, and shipping information.  You login in with the same email address you use for Kickstarter and it essentially works like an online checkout using the money you pledged to the campaign.  From there you get to pick exactly which items you want and you can even add more items if you like.  You will also be able to enter your shipping information and manage that until the surveys are locked down, so if you're moving you can update BackerKit with your new address at any time.

Pre-Order Information

If you missed out on the campaign, or if you had issues with the payment process, you can still get in on the 2017 edition Metropol Playing Cards.

BackerKit Pre-Order

The BackerKit pre-order works just the same as the survey, only you'll have to make a payment before submitting your order.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :D

Production Update

I've been wanting to share this with you guys for awhile now, but wanted to wait until the BackerKit surveys were ready to send.

Approved production proofs!  Normally it takes a month or so for most playing card projects to get to this state because there's a number of steps involved. 

Submit artwork to manufacturer > Review digital proof > Print physical proof > Wait for physical proof to arrive (this takes the longest :D) > Approve physical proofs.

Since the 2017 edition Metropol decks are based on a previous design, we were able to skip past a lot of the typical back-and-forth.  So the artwork has been approved and the decks have entered the production pipeline.  I'm waiting on a confirmed timeline for the production and will let all of you know as soon as I get the dates.

Until then, check out the first Metropol 2017 edition decks:

 The UV ink on the tuck is a little thin on these samples.  The final version will be just as thick as it is on the original Metropol LUX decks.

 Not the greatest photos, but I'll post more when I get some better lighting.  It's that time of the year where it's dark when I leave for work in the morning, and it's dark by the time I get home. :|

As always, thank you for your support!  I'll post another update as soon as I have something new to share.

Until then,
